Friday, June 09, 2006


Alice's curiousity in the white rabbit opens up a truly magical world to her. Through her journey in wonderland, the conversation with Mad Hatter is an interesting one. It reads as follows:

Alice: Where I come from, people study what they are not good at in order to be able to do what they are good at.

Mad Hatter: We only go around in circles in Wonderland, but we always end up where we started. Would you mind explaining yourself?

Alice: Well, grown-ups tell us to find out what we did wrong, and never do it again

Mad Hatter: That's odd! It seems to me that in order to find out about something, you have to study it. And when you study it, you should become better at it. Why should you want to become better at something and then never do it again? But please continue.

Alice: Nobody ever tells us to study the right things we do. We're only supposed to learn from the wrong things. But we are permitted to study the right things other people do. And sometimes we're even told to copy them.

Mad Hatter: That's cheating!

Alice: You're quite right, Mr. Hatter. I do live in a topsy-turvy world. It seems like I have to do something wrong first, in order to learn from what not to do. And then, by not doing what I'm not supposed to do, perhaps I'll be right. But I'd rather be right the first time, wouldn't you?

At classroom we either had the professor discussing only those questions that majority of the students got wrong or students paying no attention to the questions that they got right. Strange indeed that we don't learn from the right things.

Information source:
1. URL:
2. Chicken Soup For the College Soul,'Topsy-Turvy World' by Kimberly Kirberger


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

:)))) latest to the casualty list of blogging????? the bug's bitten u :)))))
welcome aboard!!! i am linking u to the list rightaway!

and alice and her "fundas" make my day whenever things r wrong . somehow they make the most sense than the wisest of the men's quotes!

Sarad said...

the blog bug did finally bite,yay :) thanks for linking. may i link to your blog as well?

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

hey sarad,
finally i managed to link ur blog to mine. and ofcourse u can link to mine.
take care!!