Friday, March 30, 2007


Quote: The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to left.

I really wish that my brother play all his Heavy Metal and Rock Cd's on anything less than full volume on the 1500 watt speakers at home!


Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

u got trouble at home!!!! :)

Jas B said...

Leave the little kid brother alone! I am sureyou did the same when you were his age! :)

I was the same, but now loud hurts my aged ears. :D I still listen to few of my favorite songs full blast while driving.

Sarad said...

moi: Music can some times be annoying :)

Jas: I do leave him alone(most of the time). Maybe not when I wake up to thunderous sounds, when I occasionally sleep in the afternoon :)

Anonymous said...

"The first sign of maturity is the discovery that the volume knob also turns to left."
that's just one of the first signs that you're getting OLD! another is that you don't appreciate alot of the newer music.

Sarad said...

Nabiy: We are all growing older :)